sexta-feira, 8 de abril de 2016

It is seen that these terms will need to produce another commutative geometry and algebra for this type of transmórfica physical and philosophical topology.

That is, both the graphs, groups and subgroups, paths, sets of vertices and edges, matrix and adjacency matrix,

The Graceli path determines that the return path is different from way back, even being the same.

The number of nodes in a rotation system and proportional to the number of rotation. Whenever there is a connection between two vertices and edges systems, which may be one of the two rotating.

A rotation system with all the colors have one color.

Theorem network.

Always when both a parallel and transversal connection between points of two or more types of interconnected nodes will be points where these forms are in rotation or in translation.

The edges tend to change shapes as distance and speed.

A graph edges passes to grade the slope edges as rotations and distances.

Up and then down a mountain is different from down and then up.

That is, a physical action logic composed.

Or of a different quality and time and space, giving a philosophical diverse logical and physical sense between b and b.

ie we have another area for a commutative algebra for addition and multiplication.

physical and philosophical geometry.
Imagine movements and variations and movements, interactions, types transformations, etc. and references forming part of a system of slopes and topological edges.

And with intensities, densities, colors, porosities, as topological categories that has action as aspects as well as edges.

Where the kit may be any of those elements and its variables.

In the case of the colors can make color combinations.

relativist commutative geometry.
A physical geometry or philosophy commutative a + b ≠ b + a, and b * ≠ b * a.

Imagine the color red on the green, it has a different training is over.

The same with the favorable or contrary wind, or even inertia. If one hits the front car are thrown forward, and if knocked back will be felt the jolt back.

Or even a donkey pulling a cart in a plane at the speed x is different if a slope, in this case the wagon that impure ass.

An observer inside the cart will have different references about who pulls or is impurado. In other words, it is relativistic.

There are many other examples that may be cited.

Imagine a system of lugs which are interconnected in a central point to various other peripheral and other peripheral such that only interconnects together.
And ranging interconnecting and disconnecting at all times in relation to a disconnection of interconnection and flows.

And it has other peripheral tracks are interconnected on and off, that is, these terms have isomorphic transmórfico system state variable conditions and back and forth [streams], that is, these terms have a variable set system. And that can be anything as the variables in which they are.

Imagine an octopus that moves with flows in its tentacles.
Or even a jellyfish with their movements flows inside out, according to the position where it forms have x, y, k, n ...

That is, while the isomorphic topology if you have an edge system, sheds and paths with directions, here comes other agents such as dynamics, interconnections, n-dimensions, and also observers positions where reality changes according to the position of each one of them.

And they become part of other categories of sets, numbers and also morphism.

Graceli topology edges and slopes. Transmorfismo.
Imagine strings being balanced in space, or even whips, where the edges are the strings become points [aspects], where each movement produces displacements and changes in tangents and sine and cosine between the edges and slopes.

The is, we have a transmorfismo regarding the position of the strings and their movements, making an n-dimensional transmorfismo.

That is, it can produce other edges in relation to points on the string, or between defined points, parallel, or transverse.

For, if numbered points can be close points, or Cross Crusaders.

And since the ropes can be also more than one, two, three and n-cords.

In this topology the edges [strings] turn into strands, and the edges are also links.

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